Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day 2010

So what have you done today or in the last year to become more earth friendly ?

Personally for us as a family we have tried to cut down on all things disposable, no more paper napkins, paper plates, plastic cups or plastic baggies, we are now a cloth family. Not only is it good for the earth to stop filling up the land fills therefore, needing more space to throw our junk but it's good for the pocket book too, no more throwing our money out with the garbage literally.

This morning Reagan asked, just like last year, "Shouldn't everyday be Earth Day ?" and again I responded with "Yes Reagan, it should."
Last year she was home with me and so we got to do some fun projects, this year she is in school, but that didn't stop her from wanting to do something, she ran around finding all the recyclables for me to load up and take with me when I pick her up from school and then we'll run out to the recycling plant.
She also asked if she could have one of the reusable lunch kits I made yesterday to add to the store, I told her I needed it for the store to which she responded "But Mommy, wouldn't this be the perfect day to start using one ?" Can't argue with that logic can you ?
So off she went with her new handy dandy lunch kit and I'm here sewing up a storm adding more to the store as I go along for all of you out there in Cyber Land who are also looking at ways to 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Today in recognition of Earth Day all Clothespin bags are on sale at the reduced price of $10 and for one day only all of the Reusable Lunch Kits will be on sale for $15
If there is a print you would like but isn't available right now just convo me, and we'll work something out.

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