Friday, May 16, 2008

Rain, rain go away

Come again on a dry Summers Day.
Geez, it just won't stop coming down, if I hear one more smart alec comment from someone talking about all the rain in England I think I'll direct them here to Maryland, then they'll really know what rain is like.
I am so desperate to plant my seedlings, every time I get out there or make plans to, the heavens open, I think tomorrow I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and plant them anyway and hope and pray they don't get washed away.
Seeings as we were stuck inside today Reagan and I made some yummy freezer jam from the strawberries we picked yesterday and boy, is it good ? YUM !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I want some on some crumpets for my now getting later brunch.
It is actually raining on and off here today. Please count your blessings. After 3 yrs of drought and water restrictions and loosing heaps of my garden I was almost to the point of depression. I know God is Sovereign but I was not enjoying meeting with Him in the desert. ....there is a song which has a line saying, " I will find You in the desert where the sand is Holy Ground" but oh I missed my lawns and lost a beautiful 26 yr old variagated tulip tree, and so many azaelas and camellias. But maybe now we can look to spring as I have planted lots of bulbs.

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